Our state-of-the-art manufacturing site is strategically located 180km from Mumbai sprawling across an extensive 30,000 sqm. This ideal location is highly connected to Sea and Airports and helps us to meet the growing demand for high-quality pharmaceutical products worldwide.
We take pride in manufacturing our products in strict accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) regulations Laid down by EMA. Our commitment to GMP standards ensures the utmost quality, safety, and compliance at every stage of production.
Our manufacturing plants are equipped with cutting-edge features, including pilot plants, process development labs and in-process quality control (QC) facilities. These facilities ensure that each product undergoes rigorous scrutiny and meets the highest standards of quality.We have reactors from 250ltrs to 5000ltrs to produce high value low volume to high volume products
We have multiple dedicated product clean room processing areas designed to optimize output and maintain the integrity of our pharmaceutical products throughout the manufacturing process.
Our site is designed to be 100% complaint to local environment laws with 33% area dedicated to green area, zero discharge effluent and solid waste management. EHS compliance is our highest priority